How do folders work in Genei?

Adding lots of notes and resources to a Genei project will make your sidebar look messy. Folders are a way of organising your project’s content so you can easily find important information and visualise the relationships between different resources and notes.

When to add a folder to a Genei project

There are no rules for when to add a folder to a Genei project; everyone likes to organise their work differently. We recommend adding folders to Genei projects if a sidebar is getting difficult to manage or if you’re uploading resources and writing notes that can be easily split into different subtopics.

How to add folders to your Genei project

Step 1. Click the Create Folder button in your project’s sidebar to add a folder to the root of your project.

Create Folder Button.png

Step 2. Give your new folder a name like My first folder.

My First Folder.png

Step 3. Hover your cursor over the folder and click the Plus button to add subfolders, resources, and notes!

Folder Options.png