The AI Copilot for qualitative research…

<aside> 💡 This page will be updated regularly as we iterate! For the most up to date information head over to our LinkedIn group or ping me an email: [email protected]


CoLoop Demo III.mp4

🤔 What is this?

CoLoop is an AI co-pilot for analysing qualitative interviews and focus groups. We are open for initial beta users on request. Please reach out to [email protected] to schedule an onboarding and join researchers using CoLoop on live projects today.

✅ Near-human transcription

❌ Doesn’t suffer from bias

✅ Chatbot that cites sources

❌ Not expensive to use

✅ Interactive analysis grids

❌ Doesn’t give you unreadable transcripts

✅ Participant segments

❌ Isn’t trying to replace you

✅ Works on your data

❌ Doesn’t secretly make stuff up

✅ Saves hours of time per project

❌ Not complicated to use

📖 How to use CoLoop

Screenshare - 2023-05-05 7_37_30 PM.mp4