What are Genei notes?

Notes are where you can type and save your ideas in Genei. They’re great for jotting down thoughts on resources and planning research.

Writing notes in Genei lets you leverage the platform’s powerful text editor, which functions just like Notion. This means that you can use Genei notes just like you’d use a page in Notion or a Google Doc.

When to create notes in Genei

Use Genei notes to collate key ideas from single or multiple resources and for storing store images, quotes, checklists, equations, and more in Genei. Notes are also invaluable for building networked knowledge bases in your projects.

How to create a Genei note

Step 1. Navigate into a project and click the Create Note button.

Create Note Button.png

Step 2. Give your new note a name like My first note.

My First Note.png

Step 3. Open your new note and type ‘/’ to insert headings, quotes, lists, equations, images, and more!

Genei's Notepad.png