
<aside> 💡 1. What is Multi-document Question Search? 2. Upload a set of documents to a project in Genei 3. Use the / command in the notepad and select 'Ask Question' 4. Input your query 5. Scroll through the answers 6. Select 'Add to Notes' or 'Go to source' 7. Best Practices


What Is Multi-document Question Search?

  1. Ask questions about the contents of the documents you upload
  2. Genei will find the best answers from within your project.
  3. Add these answers to notes or go to the source to read around in more detail.

🆙 Upload a set of documents to a project in Genei

  1. Hit '+ New Project' in the bottom left hand corner and then select the '+' page icon

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  1. You can then upload documents in a variety of ways

i) Drag and drop PDF files into the upload box

ii) Copy and paste in a website URL into the top bar

iii) Search topics or keywords in the top bar and have Genei find relevant articles for you

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📔 Use the / command in the notepad

  1. Once you have uploaded a set of documents into Genei, click on the notepad on the right hand side of the screen

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  1. A box of commands will automatically appear. Click where it says 'Ask question'