
  1. What is the skyscraper technique?
  2. How to do this with Genei
  3. Adding the article you'd like to build on
  4. Extracting the main structure
  5. Adding additional sources
  6. Building on top of the skyscraper
    1. Adding more to an existing section
    2. Adding a new section
  7. Cite your sources (Important!)
  8. Export for writing up

What Is the Skyscraper Technique?

  1. Find popular content that has been linked to from other sites.
  2. Create a better piece of content on the same topic and publish it on your own site.
  3. Promote your content to the right people and let them know it exists.

N.B. The same technique can also be used to update existing content that may have slipped in quality / relevance or ranking


<aside> 💡 1. Find an article to build on and add it to Genei 2. Extract its structure from the summary and paste it into the notepad 3. Add in related and high authority content from Google and Google Scholar 4. Improve and bulk up the original piece with information from other sources 5. Export to Word / Google Drive / SEO Surfer or Jarvis to write up!


How to do this with Genei

Genei can be used to build on top of high performing articles by allowing you to rapidly incorporate:

  1. Original sources - a lot of the most interesting and diverse content is not on page 1 of Google!
  2. Higher authority sources - These include academic papers, government websites and professional reports that Google scores highly for authority but which can be very difficult to use due to their complexity
  3. More sources - Given sparsity and complexity of good sources dealing with these scale is key in being able to find value across them rapidly

➕ Adding the article you'd like to build on

Use whichever keyword analysis or content strategy tool you prefer - I recommend Buzzsumo but any of the following would also work: Ahrefs / Google Trends / Semrush. These services can be used to find a long tail keyword (more here). Once you've found one go ahead and pick an article from the top 3 results to work off of.

<aside> 💡 I'll be writing for the keyword "How does cryptocurrency mining work?" — I've chosen the following excellent article from freemanlaw.com. (3rd position on the SERP at the time of writing).


Mining Explained: A Detailed Guide on How Cryptocurrency Mining Works

  1. Create a new project
  2. Add the article by pasting it into the add resource box