
  1. How to create multi-document summaries with Genei
  2. How to ask Genei full-sentence questions
  3. How to use Genei’s Smart Search

Features covered

  1. Genei’s Multi-document Summaries
  2. Genei’s Smart Search
  3. Genei’s Full-text Project Search


Genei combines the search capabilities of Google, the intuitive writing experience of Notion, and the personalisation of TikTok to create a unique tool for research and content creation. This combination is most powerful when using Genei to answer tricky questions.

The subheadings in this article explain how you can use Genei’s multi-document summaries, full-sentence question answering, and Smart Search features as great weapons for tackling the most challenging research problems.

<aside> ⚡ You’ll need a Genei Pro subscription to use the features described in this article.


How to create multi-document summaries with Genei

Large Genei projects are often connected by a theme or an overarching question. Designed to clear the haze surrounding complex topics and get your creative juices flowing; Genei’s multi-document summaries are perfect for getting the ball rolling.